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Becoming an influencer or an on-the-rise content creator doesn’t happen overnight. It takes months, sometimes even years of constant content creation that is unique and is able to cater to a specific audience. One must have passion, determination, and commitment to really establish one’s voice and personal branding. What better way to learn this than by listening to some of the leading influencers of today? Here are 4 content creators to share their journey, insights, and tips on becoming an influencer.

Dani Barretto-Panlilio 

How did you start your journey in becoming an influencer?

It started during my first year in college, I had a tumblr account, I would post my OOTDs everyday, until my followers suggested that I already start a blog. And that’s how it came to be. I created a blog and the rest is history.  

For you, what does one need to become a “good influencer”?

Use your platform for the right reasons. You have a voice and a responsibility to the people that follow and look up to you. Don’t lead them to the wrong path, help pave the way to the right direction. 

Have any advice to share for those who also aspire to make this their career?

Just be yourself. The day you decide to be someone you’re not will be your greatest downfall. Lastly, be an influencer for the right reasons. This job has its perks, but always remember why you’re called an influencer. You have the ability to influence people through your platform, use it wisely.

Chef Gerick Manalo

How did you start your journey in becoming an influencer?

Growing up, I used to be very shy and timid. All I know is after getting my degree in Culinary I’d end up owning my restaurant or start a food business. I was exposed and began my social media career when a TV network reached out to me and asked if I can join their reality game show. During that time, the category for the players are young Chefs like me. I won and was able to take home the jackpot prize. One of the producers approached me and asked if I could do a cooking demo for their lifestyle cooking segments. And so I grabbed the opportunity! Having that kind of exposure on TV really made an impact to me as a celebrity chef and a social media influencer. Brands and PR agents started to tap me and send me products for endorsements and promotion. It was really a blessing and I felt like I have this voice to encourage the aspiring chefs out there! Since then, I get invited to talk to large crowds and share something about my career and profession. I loved my job even more! 

For you, what does one need to become a “good influencer”?

I think you have to know your niche first to project what you really want for your brand. If you’re into fashion, arts, fitness etc. you must concentrate with your craft and eventually things will follow like a domino effect. Keep pushing beyond your limits and never doubt yourself. Express your intentions to inspire not just to be in the spotlight without making an impact to your followers.

Have any advice to share for those who also aspire to make this their career?

Like I always say to young and aspiring content creators or chefs like me, find what drives you to create, to influence and to give your life a better meaning. There will always be criticisms and bumpy roads along the way. Ignore them! What’s important is for you to leave a remarkable bequest to the next generation. Never stop dreaming and always use your influence for what is good. I think that’s the very point why we’re called “influencers”: to influence for the greater good.

Erika Rabara 

How did you start your journey in becoming an influencer?

I started out on Tumblr. I’ve always liked writing, but it wasn’t anything special. At that time, it was my only way to release some of the teenage angst. Before I knew it, some of the posts blew up and I started gaining a lot of followers on Instagram.  I didn’t think much of it then until agencies started contacting me. 

What are the good things about being a content creator and why do you like it?

Being an influencer is not your typical day job. You’re not in an office, you handle your own schedule. In my case, I love it because of exactly that: its flexibility. It is your choice whether you can accept a project or not. With this, I can work on it and earn while having fun and still being a full-time med student.

What do you think is needed to become a “good influencer”?

A good influencer should be authentic. It’s so easy to post about brands and ads, but I feel like what needs to set you apart is the audience’s trust in you. You need to have a bond with them so that they can believe in you. A good influencer should also use one’s platform to spread accurate, timely information for social movements that could improve everyone’s life. 

John Manalo

What are the good things about being a content creator and why do you like it?

I like it because it gives me a chance to show to a mass audience what I can do. At the same time, I can hone my craft. There has always been an innate want to create content, but at least now, I can get paid while doing it. 

What do you think is needed to become a “good influencer”?

A good influencer is someone who is credible and backed with good research. A good influencer has the opportunity to affect a multitude of people and a good influencer has the social responsibility to make sure that the change one puts out to the world is something that is good, both in aesthetics and quality of content.

For sure you’ve been through quite a lot of ups and downs throughout your journey. Is there any advice you’d like to give for those who are aspiring to make this as their career?

Be true to yourself. The best portfolio you can ever have are not your works, but how you work. Be professional, and never think of the job as competition. Most importantly, love what you do and do what you love. Keep on creating and the rest will follow.

Kickstart your influencer journey now with Passionation!

As one of the rising content and influencer marketing providers in the Asia Pacific Region, Passionation is here to help content creators earn from doing what they love by connecting them with brands that fit their passion and share a common voice. It is also a collaborative and inclusive community of influencers from different tiers and industries. 

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Jo-Ey Wong